Whether it is on-demand video courses, online lectures, or in-person seminars – Igor Pejic shares knowledge about decentralized finance, blockchain or digitalization of banking in various formats.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Course (on-demand)
The crypto-economy is being built on blockchain and smart contracts. Start benefitting from it today!
Join this course to quickly build working knowledge on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts with the help of a globally leading expert on blockchain and financial technology. Almost every industry can profit from the use of blockchain, including finance, IT, technology, payments, supply chain, government, health care, and energy.

Get the course for free by signing up to The New Frontier!
Blockchain Masterclass for Banking and Finance (on-demand)
Welcome to the Blockchain Masterclass for Banking and Finance, where you will acquire the tools to build your organization’s blockchain strategy.
By the end of the course, you will be able to recognize where and how blockchain and smart contracts can be applied in the financial sector. You will cement your understanding of fundamental and advanced blockchain concepts. And you will confidently take strategic decisions involving blockchain and distributed ledger technology.
Blockchain Masterclass for Businesses and Corporations (on-demand)
Welcome to the Blockchain Masterclass for Businesses and Corporations, where you will acquire the tools to build the blockchain strategy for your enterprise.
By the end of the course, you will be able to recognize where and how blockchain and smart contracts can be applied within the corporate world. And you will confidently take strategic actions about the technology within your company.
Haven’t found what you were looking for?
Igor Pejic also designs and creates bespoke lectures and courses about various topics around new technology. Simply get in touch via the contact button below.

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Author, keynote speaker, and banker – Igor Pejic is a leading voice on technology and finance.
Do you need a tailored presentation? Then get in touch. Igor has created numerous bespoke presentations for organizations, universities, banks, and corporations.
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